Customer Testimonials

Remote Service Support Package

I used Gareth’s REMOTE TECHNICAL SUPPORT PACKAGE to solve a difficult equipment problem on my STS RIE ICP system. I found him knowledgeable and very easy to work with. We communicated solely through email and his response time was great. I was especially impressed that he responded quickly even when he was out on service visits to other customers. He went the extra mile by working with relatively untrained personnel at my site and stuck with it until we were able to find the solution. If you have an STS system and need remote support, I would definitely recommend him. I hope I don’t need this type of service again, but If I do I’ll use him again.

James R Fraser

IML Manager, Brigham Young University

Remote Service Intervention

“The service I received was incredibly timely, informative, and professional.  I was in need of troubleshooting service expertise on my RIE etching system as I was having issues with my control modules failing to communicate properly and to execute some control functions.  I was able to obtain critical knowledge, including some drawings/schematics that I thought were unobtainable given how old my tool was, and this all allowed me to get my system back up and running far faster than I could have hoped for.  Gareth Morgan also rebuilt/repaired some of my analog control modules that I was unable to repair in house and that service was also speedy and very reliable.  Thanks again!”

Lage von Diesen

Electro-Mechanical Systems Specialist, University of Minnesota

Remote Service Intervention

Gareth Morgan has acted as a consultant and support engineer in relation to a relatively old Inductively Coupled Plasma etching system (Surface Technology Systems machine) which we have in the Surface Engineering and Nanotechnology Institute at Cranfield University. Over the last two years he has been able to make a number of maintenance visits in relation to the machine and supply a number of not readily available parts. More recently he provided an excellent email and text support with less than 24hrs response, to help direct and solve a couple of fault issues with the system.

Dr. Christopher Shaw

Research Fellow In Functional Materials, SENTI Manufacturing Dept. Cranfield University.

Site Visit Resolution

“We used Gareth from CTP Company Services for the first time, to conduct a site visit to diagnose a tool that was hard down for weeks.   Initial Email support and response time was almost immediate allowing us to continue trouble shooting while onsite support arrived.   Hardware knowledge of the tool was extensive allowing us to quickly narrow down the list of possible route causes and bring the tool back up for production.  We had a great first experience with CTP Company Services and will be using them as our primary contact for tool support in the future.”

Jeff Raaphorst

Micralyne Inc, Canada

Remote Service Resolution

“Dear Gareth,
Thank you so much for the excellent service advice that was key to getting our Multiplex ICP back up and running. I’m very grateful that I was referred to you and it became immediately apparent the reason for the referral is your thorough knowledge of the system.
All the best,”

Bob Melendes

Tanner Research, Inc. Los Angeles USA

Remote Service Resolution

“Dear Gareth,

I would like to take the opportunity to thank you and your company for helping to get our tool up and running in an incredibly fast time frame. Our tool is an STS Multiplex ICP with the Plasma kit operating system. This tool has been deemed obsolete by the manufacturing and getting help from the OEM has proved difficult on this old system. Your knowledge and fast response has been fantastic and we look forward to working with you in the future to keep this old work horse functioning at peak performance.”

Bob Nuss

Facilities Manager , Integrated Sensing Systems

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